S3 Compatible Storage

  1. End users write/read files to an end-point in our cloud network, which sycronises with other RackCorp storage nodes.

  2. The mirrored file servers provide a start point for backups and staging to longer-term storage. User demand for files determines whether files reside based on data retention polices. Popular files remain in hot storage (local fast disk), less accessed files are pushed out to warm storage (remote standard disk) and rarely accessed files such as ‘last years’ data can be archived.

  3. Storage sites are regionally dispersed within the country to protect against any natural disasters, acts of god or political instability. Within each site and when all the sites are considered together as a network, the storage system provides multiple levels of redundancy.
    Multiple copies of the data are stored at multiple sites using multiple systems containing multiple disks. All these components are fully redundant allowing the entirety of the data to be accessed if particular systems or sites are down.

  4. While technically similar to the other geographical sites and part of the integrated storage network, this site is typically housed out of out of country to provide assurance against any natural disasters, acts of god or political instability in the country of origin. We can offer out of country disaster recovery / cold backup sites in both hemisphere and all continents.